Amber Says…
“We want to welcome you to the Clubhouse Guatemala website. We have recently renovated and we hope you enjoy the changes. As our ministry grows, so does our need to share more and more information with you. We want this website to be fun, informative, and a place for all ages to come and learn more about our ministry and how you can get involved. Please check out all of our pages to find out what all God is doing in Guatemala!”
Calandra Says…
“Missions with club house is not only sharing Christ with people its sharing Christ love. Throught the home visits, feeding programs, vbs and so much more you are making connections. Sure a trip might just last a week but the work thats done last a lifetime. You don’t come back the same. You come back humbled and closer to God.”
John Says…
“This June was my first mission trip & I was blessed that God chose Guatemala & Clubhouse. I loved when our church, Mount Harmony Baptist Church chose to have a women’s day and show Jesus’ love & how worthy & and inspiring they are. My favorite part was the home visits & sharing how God blessed us and we were honored to be in their home & bring food or put in a stove. The thing that stood out to me is other than beds they really had no furniture. They never get to sit down on a couch or recliner. Can you imagine? I’m so happy I got to share Jesus’ love. Clubhouse was great to partner with… We felt safe the entire time & the staff was nothing but accommodating of whatever we needed. Everyone should do this. It will change your life & you can change someone’s or at least bring them hope & happiness for a bit. I can’t wait to get my paperwork for my sponsor child.”
Todd Says…
“I never saw myself as the “missionary” sort before my trip to Guatemala with Clubhouse Guatemala. The trip went well, and opened my eyes to what God can do with His people when we get out of His way and let Him use us. It doesn’t always require flowery words and “perfect” prayers. I’m no preacher. But showing someone God’s love and affection without requiring anything in return is something every Christian can do.”
Kendall Says…
“Clubhouse Ministries Guatemala introduced me to my first International mission trip that I thought I would never make. They made it easy for me to boldly go share the gospel and love a people group that I had no regard for prior to my first trip.”
Vikki Says…
“I have taken multiple mission trips overseas before taking one to Guatemala. My trip with clubhouse has been my favorite experience because they give you every tool and opportunity to go share the gospel while helping people. Clubhouse has made me reconsider my entire life plan and has made me start pursuing missions as a career.”
Jenny Says…
“Clubhouse Guatemala is truly making a difference…from providing clean drinking water to a community to free lunch programs and coordinating groups to build chicken coops and stoves and tin homes. The relationships being built in these communities is truly showing God’s love to the people of Guatemala. God is wildly blessing this ministry.”
Tracey Says…
“Gosh, where do I start? My daughter, Elia, was adopted from Guatemala. Her birth mom gave birth to her on a dirt floor and passed away shortly after Elia’s birth. There are no words to describe how it feels to be able to build houses for families in Guatemala so no more babies have to be born in the dirt.”
Todd Says…
“Can going on 10 trips in 7 years be a obsession! Where else can u be out of ur comfort zone and totally where u are suppose to be. Where can u be a part of some ones answer prayer or be a part of a woman day of blessing by helping getting her a stove. Receive lots of love by God’s people and share hope for a future in God’s eternal life. My brother and sisters in Christ in Guatemala my passion to do God’s will and to share that experience with all I can so they can have a life changing experience they never forget.”