Join our Coffee Club today and enjoy some of the finest coffee in the Western Hemisphere. Our coffee is grown in the high mountain ranges of Guatemala at the perfect elevation for premium quality and taste. Our coffee has a smooth flavor profile and is easy to enjoy.
When you join our Club you will receive 2 pounds of coffee each month for $29 plus shipping for a total of $37. The great part about your purchase is with each 2 pounds you will provide 30 meals to those in need in Guatemala.
You have 2 options of Bean or Ground. All of our coffee is a medium roast and is roasted fresh each month for you. Our roaster purchases the beans directly from plantations in Guatemala and has it shipped to Knoxville, TN. Then the beans are roasted to perfection for your enjoyment!

The Legal Stuff
Clubhouse Ministries Inc. is based in Knoxville, TN. Clubhouse is a fully registered 501C3 Non-Profit ministry. All gifts and donations are tax-deductible. If you would like to book Mike or Carla to come and share more about Clubhouse and how you can become part of this ministry, please contact them at mike@clubhouseg.com. Clubhouse is solely funded by Church partnerships and individuals that are investing in the lives of Guatemalans. We are honored and humbled to have so many amazing people on our team! We encourage you to please check out the entire website to see what God is doing in Guatemala. We need many partners to reach the goals that God has placed before us.