Clubhouse Now
Clubhouse is now serving more than 500 families and over 1000 children through Student Programs, VBS Programs, and Mission Teams. Clubhouse has seen a complete change since Covid. Our ministry has now hit the “Reset” button and is working hard to develop our calling. For years we have tried to be all things to all people, but have realized our calling is to minister to families through giving them a hand up, and through education. Clubhouse currently is working from 2 base locations of Zone 6 in Guatemala City and Camp Calvary that is in the community of Ricon de Pacaya. Both of these locations host a school, and host mission teams that have allowed us to expand our work into many new areas. In 2023 Clubhouse will host more than 400 short-term missionaries that will provide the love of Christ to more than 50,000 people. Our goal in all things is to help mend the broke, comfort those in need, and the share the Love of Christ through “Loving Others First”.
The Future of Clubhouse
Clubhouse continues to expand opportunities through joining God in the work in new communities. We strive to partner with local churches to train pastors, build community relationships, with the goal of brining a long-term plan to each community. Our goal moving forward is to move into a brand new area similar to Pacaya to have the ability to share with multiple communities. Our approach is to work with community leaders and local pastors to meet the needs of each community. Ultimately our goal is share the love of Christ and disciple new believers. To use education as the door to see true change to the next generation of Guatemala. As children become educated adults our dream is to see them break the cycle of poverty, to have good paying jobs, and as a follower of Christ, to bring true change to their family and community. We are called to share His love, to Serve others, and to help people to grow in their faith.
The Legal Stuff
Clubhouse Ministries Inc. is based in Knoxville, TN. Clubhouse is a fully registered 501C3 Non-Profit ministry. All gifts and donations are tax-deductible. If you would like to book Mike or Carla to come and share more about Clubhouse and how you can become part of this ministry, please contact them at mike@clubhouseg.com. Clubhouse is solely funded by Church partnerships and individuals that are investing in the lives of Guatemalans. We are honored and humbled to have so many amazing people on our team! We encourage you to please check out the entire website to see what God is doing in Guatemala. We need many partners to reach the goals that God has placed before us.