What is a Forever Friend?
A Forever Friend is someone that has a deep love for the Clubhouse ministry and desires to stand in the gap to help provide the funds needed monthly to sustain operations. With over 520 children currently in our programs but without a sponsor, it’s up to us and our Forever Friends to cover the costs of keeping them fed and in school.

Why Give to Clubhouse?
Clubhouse Ministries is funded solely through church partnerships, private donations and grants. We invite you to join this ministry and be part of changing lives with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When your family becomes involved with Clubhouse, you become part of our family. Together the Clubhouse family is seeing thousands of lives changed each year. We would love for you to join us!
Below we have broken down ways that you or your family, organization, or church may give.
2019 Financial Impact
- VBS – Over 23,000 children participated in over 35 different VBS programs.
- Medical Clinics – Over 4,500 patients were seen and helped both physically and spiritually.
- Food Distribution – Over 550,000 meals were provided for those in need.
- Cheer Packs – More than 2,450 children received Cheer Packs filled with Christmas joy.
- Feeding Programs – Over 1100 kids were discipled to, given an education and their families helped.
- Shoes – Over 850 pairs of shoes were given through our Serving Souls program.
- Homes – 21 families received the ultimate gift of a home.
- Stoves – More than 150 stoves were installed.
- Water Filters – More than 900 families were given the gift of clean water to drink.
- Salvations – While we do not keep a firm number of salvations, we shared the Gospel with thousands and conservatively estimate over 800 salvations.
- Block Parties – Over 24,000 attended block parties and enjoyed cotton candy, snow cones, and inflatables.