About Us
Our block party ministry was the very start of our ministry in Guatemala. On a trip in 2006, Mike had the opportunity to take a team to Chichicastenango. While there Mike was convicted by God to minister to the kids in Guatemala. As he was eating Pizza one night a few kids came into the pizza place and just wanted a bite of Pizza. So the team turned that place into” Chuckie cheese”. On the way back to the hotel that night God really convicted Mike by asking a simple question. “What if you had a inflatable, a cotton candy machine, a few carnival games?” After that night Mike started planning Clubhouse in Guatemala. The vision for this ministry is to just allow a child to have a childhood moment filled with fun and not just memories of working in the fields providing for their family.

Block Party Details
Our block parties consist of anything we can use to minister to people. A typical party includes, a bounce house, carnival games, clowns, cotton candy, sno cones, a giant dog, finger nail polish, face paint, and many other things to attract all ages.
A Block party has an average cost of $200 in supplies. If you would like to sponsor a party please contact here. To sponsor a block party is $200 and you can do so by clicking the button below.